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Polish Briefing: NATO is considering steps against Russia’s nuclear program

What goes on in Poland on the 4th of September.

Crack among the Baltic states. Poland and Lithuania together

Energy is a contentious issue among the Baltic states. What is interesting, Poland and Lithuania were able to find a common ground.

Baltic states want to synchronize their energy systems to make themselves independent from the post-soviet system IPS/UPS (BRELL). Thanks to that, transboundary energy trade with Russia and Belarus will be expelled and Russian projects such as Ostrowiec nuclear power plant will not undercut  Vilnius’ productive powers profitability, and not only. The project is supposed to be finished until 2020 and will be devoted to energy export.

Krynica Economic Forum might be a chance to announce progress.

Sueddeutsche Zeitung: NATO is considering steps against Russia’s nuclear program

NATO states that Russia infracts INF treaty from 1987 about a total shutdown of medium- and long-range ballistic missiles; in this connection NATO considers taking adequate action against the Russian nuclear armament program – claims „Sueddeutsche Zeitung”.

NATO channelled a secret document towards its member states; it contains suggestions of optional reactions to Russia breaking the INF treaty.

INF, signed by the presidents of the US and the USSR, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev bans testing, production and possessing missiles fired from rocket artilleries of a range from 500 to 5500 km to both sides. This treaty is considered as one of agreements that helped the cold war end.

Driving prototypes of Polish e-car in 2018

ElectroMoblity Poland is preparing to support the construction of electric cars prototypes. A level of financial help considered by the company might reach 70 per cent. According to this announcement, driving prototypes of Polish e-car should be ready in 2018.

The company is planning to support the companies able to produce its own prototype and those that will build bodywork visualizations from the recent contest. The best prototypes will be chosen until the end of next year.

The contest will be launched in October and ElectroMobility Poland will announce the results of the contest for a bodywork of a Polish car of the future on the 12th of September.

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What goes on in Poland on the 4th of September.

Crack among the Baltic states. Poland and Lithuania together

Energy is a contentious issue among the Baltic states. What is interesting, Poland and Lithuania were able to find a common ground.

Baltic states want to synchronize their energy systems to make themselves independent from the post-soviet system IPS/UPS (BRELL). Thanks to that, transboundary energy trade with Russia and Belarus will be expelled and Russian projects such as Ostrowiec nuclear power plant will not undercut  Vilnius’ productive powers profitability, and not only. The project is supposed to be finished until 2020 and will be devoted to energy export.

Krynica Economic Forum might be a chance to announce progress.

Sueddeutsche Zeitung: NATO is considering steps against Russia’s nuclear program

NATO states that Russia infracts INF treaty from 1987 about a total shutdown of medium- and long-range ballistic missiles; in this connection NATO considers taking adequate action against the Russian nuclear armament program – claims „Sueddeutsche Zeitung”.

NATO channelled a secret document towards its member states; it contains suggestions of optional reactions to Russia breaking the INF treaty.

INF, signed by the presidents of the US and the USSR, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev bans testing, production and possessing missiles fired from rocket artilleries of a range from 500 to 5500 km to both sides. This treaty is considered as one of agreements that helped the cold war end.

Driving prototypes of Polish e-car in 2018

ElectroMoblity Poland is preparing to support the construction of electric cars prototypes. A level of financial help considered by the company might reach 70 per cent. According to this announcement, driving prototypes of Polish e-car should be ready in 2018.

The company is planning to support the companies able to produce its own prototype and those that will build bodywork visualizations from the recent contest. The best prototypes will be chosen until the end of next year.

The contest will be launched in October and ElectroMobility Poland will announce the results of the contest for a bodywork of a Polish car of the future on the 12th of September.

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