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Mielczarski: Poland should build new coal units asap 

„The energy mix until 2030, which the government included in the announced assumptions for energy policy is quite rational. It is very good for our economy”, comments for professor Władysław Mielczarski from the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering at the Łódź University of Technology. 

Brown and hard coal will make up 60% of the proposed mix, but it seems the figure will be closer to 70% because it is unlikely we will launch nuclear energy because of the high costs. The coal-fired generation sector will require a large investment program. When it comes to brown coal new open-pit mines are necessary because the existing ones are running out of coal. When it comes to hard coal, the current program is finally rational, it also requires investments, but we know in which direction. We may discuss various energy programs for a long time, but in the end we need to accept that coal-fired power plants are working and produce electricity. This won’t change in the next decades.

In my opinion, it is very important to build new coal-fueled power units and invest in low-emission technologies. We have to invest in about 10 thousand MW. Mostly in new units, but we cannot disregard overhauls and modernizations. The construction of new generation units has to be the number one priority of the Polish coal-fired generation sector. We need to use the five years we have before the winter package is implemented. All of this is doable. Whereas when it comes to the climate policy, limiting emissions through renewable energy sources is one of the most expensive solutions. It is better to invest in new coal-fired power units. The emission levels of every new coal-fueled unit is lower by about 20%.

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„The energy mix until 2030, which the government included in the announced assumptions for energy policy is quite rational. It is very good for our economy”, comments for professor Władysław Mielczarski from the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering at the Łódź University of Technology. 

Brown and hard coal will make up 60% of the proposed mix, but it seems the figure will be closer to 70% because it is unlikely we will launch nuclear energy because of the high costs. The coal-fired generation sector will require a large investment program. When it comes to brown coal new open-pit mines are necessary because the existing ones are running out of coal. When it comes to hard coal, the current program is finally rational, it also requires investments, but we know in which direction. We may discuss various energy programs for a long time, but in the end we need to accept that coal-fired power plants are working and produce electricity. This won’t change in the next decades.

In my opinion, it is very important to build new coal-fueled power units and invest in low-emission technologies. We have to invest in about 10 thousand MW. Mostly in new units, but we cannot disregard overhauls and modernizations. The construction of new generation units has to be the number one priority of the Polish coal-fired generation sector. We need to use the five years we have before the winter package is implemented. All of this is doable. Whereas when it comes to the climate policy, limiting emissions through renewable energy sources is one of the most expensive solutions. It is better to invest in new coal-fired power units. The emission levels of every new coal-fueled unit is lower by about 20%.

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